Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Shane Dawson:How Shanaynay Stole Christmas *SPOILER ALERT*

How Shanaynay stole Christmas is a youtube Christmas special by:Shane Dawson.It is on his channels under : Shane,Shanedawsontv,& shanedawsontv2. *WHAT THE SPECIAL IS ABOUT* Brenda a pizza delivery girl tells her little sister that Santa cant come this year.Because of money problems,also their dad is in jail & their mother passed away.Brenda delivers a pizza to Shanaynay and her sisters house.They make fun of Brenda.*After Brenda leaves* Shanaynay is upset that her own sister get her a gift.Shanaynay watches the Grinch.Shanaynay gets a terrible idea.She steals all of gifts,holiday items,trees,and more.In the end Shanaynay comes to a house to rob(Brenda & her sisters house).There are no gifts,no decor,& a sad excuse of a Christmas tree.Brendas sister sees Shanaynay in the Santa suit."I knew you'd come Santa!" she says.The next morning they get up their living room is full of the gifts,decorations,stockings,and food Shanaynay stole.Most important Shanaynay got their dad out of jail(by her & her sister killing a police man).This video was hilarious,heart warming,and all of the above.Very well done!

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